
James Vincent McMorrow - If I had a Boat

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13 dicembre 2015
483 visite
A video I made to accompany the beautiful song by Dublin born singer songwriter James Vincent McMorrow from his debut album "Early in the Morning". The images are from the 1999 animated version of Hemmingway's "The Old Man and the Sea" by Aleksandr Petrov.

See High Quality Version Video HERE -

Lyrics : If I Had a Boat
verse 1
burn slow, burning up the back wall
long roads, where the city meets the sky
most days, most days stay the sole same
please stay, for this fear it will not die

if i had a boat, i would sail to you
hold u in my arms, ask you to be true
once i had a dream, it died long before
now im pointed north, hoping for the shore

verse 2
down low, down amongst the thorn rows
weeds grow, through the lillies and the vine
birds play, try to find their own way
soft clay, on your feet and under mine

breaking at the seams
heaving at the brace
sheets all billowing
the breaking of the day
sea is not my friend
seasons they conspire
still i choose to swim
slip beneath the tide

once i had a dream
once i had a hope
that was yesterday
not so long ago
this is not the end
this is just the world
such a foolish thing
such an honest girl

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