
Animals - house of the rising sun (with lyrics)

ciao aMigos - videochat gratis e senza registrazione - Animals - house of the rising sun (with lyrics)

11 gennaio 2013
503 visite
the song house of the rising sun with lyrics by the animals
Hey guys, it's me, the creator of this video. If you guys don't stop posting dumb comments, I'm going to do comments by approval only and many of you will be blocked from commenting on any of my videos or messaging me about them.
The lyrics are not wrong except for the small account of on a instead of all. No argument. So shut up.
The dancing girl can never be removed ever and if you bothers you soo much then stop watching my video.
And stop promoting your crap. Make it a video response if your cover is so amazing.
I am a girl. And I am straight. And I was 11 when I made this. Thank you, that is all.
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