
Frank Sinatra - That's Life

ciao aMigos - videochat gratis e senza registrazione - Frank Sinatra - That's Life

08 dicembre 2021
715 visite
A classic song, by one of the greatest artists ever to walk this Earth. This is just a very simple video; I didn't want to ruin the music, I wanted it to be as simple yet classy as possible.

DISCLAIMER (Please Read before pulling the video):

This video is free to distribute and not for profit. I get no gain out of this other than knowing I have a few views on a video and maybe a couple subscribers, Whereas Columbia Records gains free advertisement and publicity. Listening to this song makes people more likely to go and buy the single/album. I take no credit whatsoever for this video apart from sticking a few pictures to a song.
If you have a problem with the video relating to copyright issues please send me a message and I will reply as promptly as possible. Please Be reasonable YouTube.
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