
Zumba Warm Up Christmas Mega Mix

Zumba Warm Up Christmas Mega Mix
24 dicembre 2015
1.873 visite
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Happy, Happy Holidays Everybody!

This Christmas... Lindsay Jay Fitness has joined up with DJ Bruce Wayne and ilu fitwear to bring you a festive 10 minute warm-up track for your Dance-Fitness Classes and when you're burning off those mince pies at home this Christmas.

Instructors - if you'd like a copy of this awesome new mix for your Christmas Classes it's available for free at

If you like our outfits as much as we do please check them out here the leggings are sooo soft :)

How many Christmas films can you recognise in this Christmas mix?
How many times does Father Christmas appear and who gets to sit on his knee?
What is your favourite song from DJ Bruce Wayne's awesome new mix?
How many London locations can you recognise?
Can you spot the Christmas Unicorn?

We'd love to hear from you at, like our page on facebook or subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date with all of our new mixes, videos and choreography - have a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and an extra Fit New Year, from all of us at LJF

Lj x

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